Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My collage (2005)


  1. Hi Kimberly,
    The style of your site is really good. Your color scheme, background picture and sidebar look perfect. I would recommend moving your text so that it is inside where the background picture is, inside the orange square so it is easier to read. More content is needed on your home page, Dr. Herr listed them on the class site. I see that you separated them into different links but try to reword them to add to the home as well. If you have images of your work you should add a page for that as well.
    hope this was helpful


  2. Hey Kimberly,
    - The introduction you added to your home page looks really good and the texts is very informative. If the paris photo is your green screen image I would suggest stating that in the caption you have below it.
    - I think The Exhibitions and Events section is a nice idea, it tells employers you are in touch with the current art scene. I would suggest adding a some events from this year as well.
    - Your art slide show is a nice touch but you should include other hobbies and interests outside of the art field.
    - On the work experience page I would recommend either changing the color of the title for each place or putting less spaces between the detail info so it will be more distinguishable.

    - Overall the site looks good. The sentences are short and to the point. I think I tried to put a bit to much detail in mine so im gonna scale it back, so thanks for that as well.


  3. Hiya,
    -Had a look at your site and I couldn't find a like to your other site for your classes. You should add that link to your side bar.
    -On your masters course page for 619 you should add the projects we have done for it.
    -Dont for get to fill in information on your calendar.
